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Are you a business owner looking at your funding options? The Business Cash Advance Company has programs in place for today’s business owners. My Top TIer Written Letter

Are you a business owner who is looking for business cash?  Getting a loan from a bank is not that easy anymore.  If you tried to get one recently, you know what I mean.   In fact, less than 17% of business owners who apply gain an approval. Have you heard of a business cash advance? This article is designed to give you more information about them as well as some business cash advance options.

Being self employed. It’s the American Dream.  You work hard, invest your time and money to provide the best possible product or service to your customers. You, more than likely, have a passion about what you do.  That passion fuels you through the tough times...and we all know that starting, building and running a business is tough.  In addition to passion, your business needs money. That is where a business cash advance comes in.

For those who can not get a bank loan, and even for those who can, a business cash advance makes sense. It give you the cash you need to finance your dreams. It is simple.  It is fast.  It is safe. Finally, repayment is business owner friendly. For these reasons and more, our self employed business loan options deserved your attention.

A business cash advance is simple.  We have a one page application that can be completed in minutes. A bank application is big and cumbersome. It takes a long to complete...time that could be better spent on your business. Why is there such a difference between a business cash advance and a bank loan? A bank has a laser focus on your credit.

If you have average, or worse, credit, getting a bank loan for your business is not going to be a real possibility.  Banks are concerned with your past credit.  A business cash advance focuses on your successes; and future ability to make revenue.  Since that is the case, credit is not going to stop you from getting a business cash advance. In fact, we can give advances to business owners with 540 credit scores. This opens the financial doors to so many of today’s business owners.

A business cash advance is also fast.  Sure, the application is easy and quick. Did you know that we can fund your business cash advance in days?  Yup. That’s right.  Once you approve the conditions of the advance, we will send the funds to your bank in just days. Think about that for a moment. How important is fast cash for you and your business?  Would that type of access give you an edge over your competition?  Sure it will.

Safety. It is important in your personal life.  It is crucial for your business as well. A business cash advance is much more safe than a traditional bank loan. How, you might ask? Well, a bank will ask for collateral. That will protect their interests.  Well good for them...but what about you? Well, if you do not pay your loan back properly, you will lose that valuable asset.  A business cash advance is different.

How? A business cash advance is an unsecured business loan program. That means no collateral. Your assets are safe with a business cash advance. You do not have to stay awake at night worrying about the property you put on the line for your business loan. But it gets better.

A business cash advance does not require a personal guarantee of any kind. Sure, there are other business loans that do not require collateral. But read the small print. Many of those programs require that personal guarantee mentioned earlier.  This is truly an unsafe option.  Be wary of such schemes.  A business cash advance is the safest alternative for so many business owners.

A business cash advance even has a business friendly repayment plan. How?  By using a formula that reflects the real world.  We get paid back as your customers pay you for your goods or services. As your revenue comes in, a small part of it comes to us to repay your business cash advance. It’s that simple. Have a great month?  Good.  We get paid back faster.  Experiencing a slowdown?  No need to stress.  We will get our funds a little later. Our business cash advance programs understand how business actually works.

So, if you are looking at self employed merchant cash advance options, get in touch with us.  We offer free advice.  There are no obligations or fees We will work hard to find the best business cash advance designed especially for you. Our toll free number is (866) 856-1114. Click here for more information


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